Expense Report Items v1

Expense Report Items v1

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* : required
Item Date:*
Location City, State:
Item Type:*
End Date (if multi-day):
Job was in Manhattan (NYC):

* Food is reimbursed at $37/day ($60/day in NYC). No receipts required.

Hotel Cost:*$Hotel Receipt:
Rental Cost:*$Car Rental Receipt:
Gas Cost:*$Gas Receipt:
From:*(address, city, state & zip)
To:*(address, city, state & zip)

* Actual mileage will be calculated by the office

Parking Cost:*$Parking Receipt:
Taxi Cost:*$Taxi Receipt:
Change Cost:*$Airline Change Receipt:
Freight Cost:*$Freight/ Baggage Receipt:
Rental Cost:*$Equipment Rental Receipt:

* Please be sure your receipt shows the items purchased/rented and not just an amount.

Materials Cost:*$Materials Receipt(s):

* Please be sure your receipt shows the items purchased/rented and not just an amount.

Tool Cost:*$Tool Receipt(s):

* Tool purchases must be approved by office personnel

* Lead cell phone usage is reimbursed at $15/week

Items Cost:*$Miscellaneous Items Receipt:
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