Employee Evaluation

Employee Evaluation

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* : required
Eval Employee:*

Evaluations for local skilled workers are requested each time we have a union local on our jobsite. This information will assist us in making informed decisions regarding known local resources when doing future work in the same area.

Skilled Local Employee:*
First Name:*Last Name:*
Union Member:*
Would you want this union local to be part of your crew on a future jobsite?*
Please Explain:*
Please Explain:*
New Team Member Notes:


Did employee show up with all necessary PPE equipment?*
Please provide details on what led to your answer:
Did employee show up with all required hand tools?*
Please provide details on what led to your answer:

Job Performance

Employee Designated Skillset

Did employee perform their daily duties throughout the duration of the project at a level reflecting their designated skillset?*
Please provide details on what led to your answer:
Was employee’s productivity on par with their designated skillset?*
Please provide details on what led to your answer:
Was employee’s workmanship quality on par with their designated skillset?*
Please provide details on what led to your answer:
Was employee’s punctuality and attendance acceptable?*
Please provide details on what led to your answer:

Company Core Values

  • We Lead the Pack: we are fair, honest, and respectful in every interaction.
  • We Got Your Back: we support and encourage doing what’s right, even when it’s not easy.
  • We Have Fun: we inspire, have passion, and create fun in all that we do.
  • We Get It Done: we are driven to hold ourselves accountable in making “yes” happen.
Did employee understand and exemplify the company’s core values throughout the duration of the project? :*
Please provide details on what led to your answer:
Did employee “Get It”, understand their roll, the culture, the systems, the pace, and how the job comes together?*
Please provide details on what led to your answer:
Did employee “Want It”, genuinely like their job, understand their roll and want to do it based on a fair compensation?*
Please provide details on what led to your answer:
Did employee have “Capacity To Do It”, have the time as well as the mental, physical, and emotional capacity to do the job well?*
Please provide details on what led to your answer:
Additional Notes:
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